вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.



Homework, homework. Lots of homework.

Early in the morning. Late at night.

Mary does homework. Mary loves homework.

 - Mary loves homework?   - That’s right!

Homework, homework. Lots of homework.

Early in the morning. Late at night.

Harry does homework. Harry hates homework.

-  Harry hates homework?   - That’s right!

Number 2

- Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!

- Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!

- Come on girls. Come on boys.

  Tell everybody to stop that noise!

- Please be quiet! Stop that noise.

- Please be quiet! Stop that noise.

- Please be quiet! Stop that noise.

- Tell everybody to stop that noise!

- Keep it down! Stop that noise!

- Keep it down! Stop that noise!

- Keep it down! Stop that noise!

- Tell everybody to stop that noise!

- Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!

- Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!

- Sh! Sh! Stop that noise!

- Tell everybody to stop that noise!

Number 3

- Where’s Jack?

- He is not here.

- Where did he go?

- I don’t know.

- Where’s Mary?

- She is not here.

- Where did she go?

- I don’t know.

- Where are Sue and Bobby?

- They are not here.

- Where did they go?

- I don’t know.

- Where’s Mr. Brown?

- He is over there.

- Where?

- Over there. Sleeping in the chair.

Number 4

A -Who has the name that starts with the “s”?

B -I do.

C -She does.

A -What’s her name?

C –Sylvia.

A -Who has the name that ends with the “a”?

B -I do.

C -She does.

A -What’s her name?

C –Sylvia.

A -Who has the name with the “v” in the middle?

B -I do.

C -She does.

A -What’s her name?

C –Sylvia.

A -Who has the name with the “l” in the middle?

B -I do.

C -She does.

A -What’s her name?

C –Sylvia.

A -Who is Sylvia?

B -I am.

C -She is.

A -What’s her name?

C –Sylvia.

Number 5

A - You did it again.

B - What did I do?

A - I told you not to do it and you did it again.

B - I am sorry. (2 times)

A - You broke it.

B - What did I break?

A - You took it.

B - What did I take?

A - You lost it.

B - What did I lose?

A - You chose it.

B - What did I choose?

A - I told not to do it and you did it again.

B - I am sorry. (2 times)

A - You wore it.

B - What did I wear?

A - You tore it.

B - What did I tear?

A - I told not to do it and you did it again.

B - I am sorry. (2 times)

пятница, 16 ноября 2012 г.


Тренируйте правильное и быстрое чтение с помощью английских скороговорок и прибауток.



  1. The batter with the butter is the batter that is better! 
  2. A big black bear sat on a big black bug. 
  3. Little Mike left his bike like Tike at Spike’s. 
  4. The mouse that I found in our house was running around in the lounge. 
  5. We need tea for three, please, for Jean, Steve and me. 
  6. Quick kiss. The quickest kiss.  
  7. Nine nice night nurses nursing nicely. 
  8. Missis King is bringing something pink for Mister King to drink. 
  9. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream! 
  10. She sees cheese. 
  11. Sixty-six sick chicks. 
  12. I wish you were a fish in my dish. 
  13. Two tiny tigers take two taxis to town. 
  14. Twelve twins twirl twelve twigs. 
  15. Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs. 


Higglety, pigglety, pop!
The dog has eaten the mop;
The pig's in a hurry,
The cat's in a flurry,
Higglety, pigglety, pop!

Hickory, dickory, dock,
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one,
The mouse ran down,
Hickory, dickory, dock.

Humpty-Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty-Dumpty had a great fall;
All the King's horses and all the King's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Washing Up
When I was a little boy
I washed my mammy's dishes;
I put my finger in my eye,
And pulled out golden fishes.