четверг, 24 января 2013 г.

Разговорные темы

 Разговорные темы к учебнику “Starlight 4”


I live in Saint Petersburg. It’s a very big and beautiful city.
My house is in …… Street, next to the …… .
There’s a big park opposite my house.
My favourite shop is a toy (clothes, sweet) shop in …… Street.
I always do shopping there. It’s between the …… and the …… .
My school is in …… Street. It’s behind the block of flats.
I like my neighbourhood.


I usually wake up at half past seven. I go to the bathroom, wash my face and brush my teeth.
Then I get dressed and have breakfast at eight o’clock. I go to school at quarter to nine.
Lessons start at nine o’clock. I usually finish school at 2 p.m.
In the afternoon when I come home I always have dinner. Then I do my homework.
When I’m free I can watch TV or visit my friend.
In the evening when my parents come from work we have supper together.
After that I sometimes play computer games or read a book.
At nine o’clock I always have a shower. And then I go to bed.


My favourite animal is ________.
It lives ________. These animals live alone (in groups).
They are grey, ________. It has got ________.
They can be ________ meters tall. They can reach ________ kilos.
They usually eat ________.
They are the ________ animals in the world. They can ________.
I like ________ very much. I think they are the most beautiful animals.


I live in Russia. Russia is the largest country in the world. There are many big cities, small towns and villages in our country. There are also many rivers, lakes, mountains and plains in Russia.

Moscow is the capital of Russia and it’s also the biggest city in our country. All the people know about the Kremlin, Red Square, the Moskva River, the Central Park of Culture and Rest. There are a lot of theatres and museums, cinemas and libraries, parks and gardens in Moscow.

And I live in Saint Petersburg. It was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. There are many interesting places in my city: the Winter Palace, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Summer Garden and lots of bridges over the Neva. I think Saint Petersburg is the most beautiful city in the world.
Everyone should come and visit Russia. It’s a great country with a lot of things to see and do.


We should all have a healthy life-style. But sometimes we get ill. So when you are ill follow these simple rules:
1.     If you have a cold, you should stay in bed, take some aspirin or cough syrup. But it’s better to go to the doctor’s at once.
2.     If you have a stomachache, drink some tea or go to the doctor’s.
3.     If you have a rash, skin cream can help you.
4.     Don’t eat many sweets. They’re bad for your teeth.               If you have a toothache, you should go to the dentist’s right away.

But there are some golden rules how to stay always healthy:
1.     We should eat lots of fruit and vegetables. They have Vitamins A, B and C.
2.     We should sleep and exercise a lot. It helps to keep the body strong and fit.

And always remember these English proverbs:
1.   “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”
2.   “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”


The food we eat influences our health and our mood.
In Russia people have 3 or 4 meals a day.

I think breakfast is a very important meal. In Russia people usually drink hot tea or coffee to start the day. There are a lot of different kinds of bread to eat. Brown bread is very traditional in Russia. We eat bread with butter and jam. Blini (pancakes), sausages and fried eggs are also typical things to eat for breakfast. Kasha (porridge) is also very popular, especially for children. We like tvorog (a kind of cottage cheese) with sugar.

As for dinner it’s another important meal during the day. All people in Russia like shchi. Shchi is a cabbage soup with meat, carrots, onions and green pepper. A lot of Russian proverbs talk about this soup. For example, Shchi da kasha pishcha nasha means Shchi and kasha are our food.

As for me my favourite food is __________________________ .

Two Great Elizabeths

I’m going to tell you about two great women in the history of Russia and Great Britain. They are Empress Elizabeth I and Queen Elizabeth I.

Elizabeth Petrovna was born in Moscow in 1709 and she was the daughter of Peter the Great. She was beautiful. Many princes from other countries wanted to marry her. She loved dancing and riding and she could speak French, Italian and German. She became Empress of Russia in 1741. Elizabeth Petrovna died in Saint Petersburg on Christmas Day in 1761.

Elizabeth Tudor was born in London in 1533, and she was the daughter of Henry VIII. She had red hair and brown eyes. Many men wanted to marry her but she didn’t marry. She loved sport and riding and could speak Latin, Greek, Spanish and French. She also loved dancing and watching plays. Elizabeth became Queen of England in 1558. Her time on the throne was called The Golden Age. She died on the 24th of March in 1603.

понедельник, 21 января 2013 г.

Употребление артиклей с некоторыми именами собственными


1. Названия улиц, парков и площадей – обычно без артиклей:
Oxford Street, Kingsway, Whitehall, Hyde Park, Central Park,
Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus 
Но есть названия, которые традиционно употребляются с определенным артиклем:
The Botanical Gardens, the Snowdonia National Park
The Strand, the High Street 

2. Названия университетов и колледжей - без артиклей: Moscow University, Trinity College
Но: the University of Moscow 

3. Названия аэропортов – чаще без артиклей: London Airport, Moscow Airport
Но все же встречаются случаи с определенным артиклем:
the Washington Airport, the Dublin Airport 
4. Названия театров, музеев, галерей, концертных залов, кинотеатров, клубов и гостиниц – с определенным артиклем:
The Bolshoi Theatre, the Opera House
The British Museum
The National Gallery, the Hermitage, the Louvre
The Chaikovsky Hall
The Odeon, the Dominion
The National Liberal Club
The Continental Hotel, the Savoy, the Hilton 

5. Названия кораблей и лодок – с определенным артиклем: The Sedov, the Titanic 
6. Названия газет и журналов – с определенным артиклем: The Times, the Guardian, the World 
7. Названия организаций и политических партий – с определенным артиклем:
The Liberal Party, the London City Council, the National Trust, the Government 
8. Названия документов - с определенным артиклем: The Constitution 
9. Названия исторических событий - с определенным артиклем: The French Revolution

воскресенье, 13 января 2013 г.


4 класс 


Translate into English. 

  1. Мы хотим пить. 
  2. Смотри. Он сердится. 
  3. Ты боишься? – Нет, не боюсь. 
  4. Они выглядят обеспокоенными. 
  5. Извините, я опоздал. 
  6. Она выглядит очень уставшей. 
  7. Мы были непослушными детьми. 
  8. Ты был шумным? – Нет, я был тихим. 
  9. Они не были стеснительными детьми. 
  10. Она была голодна. 

3 класс


Translate into English.

  1. Его книги в книжном шкафу.
  2. Ее мяч за креслом. 
  3. Их компьютерные игры на кровати. 
  4. Наш телевизор рядом с шкафом для одежды. 
  5. Твой телефон под столом. 
  6. Мои часы и радио в спальне. 
  7. Наши кухонные шкафы в кухне. 
  8. Ее зеркало за диваном. 
  9. Они любят свою (их) футбольную команду.

суббота, 12 января 2013 г.

«You’ve Got to Find What You Love» Steve Jobs

Стив Джобс стал легендой для современного поколения, сделав революцию в мире высоких технологий. Основатель одной из самых успешных компаний мира Apple, создатель IPhone, IPad, IPod, ключевая фигура в руководстве киностудии Pixar показал нам не только как делается успех, но и как нужно ценить жизнь.

Послушайте его знаменитую речь перед выпускниками Стэнфорда.

Текст полезен не только для изучения языка (множество интересных выражений, разнообразие грамматических конструкций), но и для жизни. Речь пропитана мудростью, жизненным опытом и советами успешного человека.

Итак, три истории из жизни великого «яблочника».

суббота, 5 января 2013 г.

Существительные в единственном и множественном числе


1. Следующие существительные употребляются с глаголами во мн. ч.:

обозначающие парные предметы 
trousers spectacles scissors scales tongs
Your trousers are too long. But I need a pair of trousers.

существительные, которые в русском языке имеют форму единственного числа, а в английском языке – форму множественного числа 
wages contents clothes arms stairs riches goods potatoes (etc) 
His wages are high. 

the police 

2. Следующие существительные употребляются с глаголами в ед. ч.:

оканчивающиеся на –s 
mathematics physics economics athletics gymnastics news 
What time is the news on TV?

advice information progress knowledge money hair accommodation baggage behavior bread furniture luggage weather work (a job) travel (a journey) 
The advice you gave me is really helpful. He gave me some good advice.
3. Следующие существительные употребляются в форме единственного и множественного числа:

gate sledge watch clock (в русском языке – имеют форму мн. ч.)
The gate is open. My watch is slow.
All the gates were closed. He has two watches.
собирательные существительные
government staff team family audience committee 
следующие существительные, оканчивающиеся на –s
means series species works 
a means of transport – many means of transport
a TV series – two TV series
a species of bird – 200 species of birds
a new glass works – two brick works